Visits by scheduled appointment only
Visits by scheduled appointment only
The Ophthalmologists and Optometrists at Eye Care Center of Lake County, Ltd. are pleased to provide the full range and scope of comprehensive eye care services including general eye care and routine eye examinations. The eye doctors at Eye Care Center of Lake County strongly recommend that all patients have routine eye examinations on a regular basis.
The frequency of your eye examinations really depends on many factors. Your age, your general health, whether your family has a history of eye problems and whether you have been diagnosed with or treated for any eye conditions or diseases in the past. Eye Care Center of Lake County doctors will determine how often you schedule your visits as well as what type of examination is necessary. Each patient visiting us for a complete eye exam will have the necessary testing to ensure that their eye health and vision are at their best.
If you are scheduling a general eye examination at Eye Care Center of Lake County, Ltd., it will consist of complete testing of your vision to be certain you are seeing as clearly as you should, as well as a comprehensive medical evaluation of the health of your eyes. Your examination may include dilation of your eyes. Dilation may make it difficult for you to see, so we recommend you bring sunglasses and someone to drive . Please remember to bring your current glasses and contacts with you.
A complete history will be taken from you regarding your current general health, any previous eye problems or conditions you have experienced, and a review of any problems you might be experiencing with your vision or your eyes. This will be important information to provide to the technician or eye doctor during your screening process. If you have any chronic health problems, even if they are currently stable, it is important you share this information as well. Please be sure to tell the technician or eye doctor about all allergies, especially to medications and any medications you take, including over the counter medications, eye drops, homeopathic medications, vitamins and/or herbs. They are all important.
Your family history will be reviewed with you as well. Please tell us about any health problems that run in your family such as diabetes and high blood pressure, as well as any eye problems your family members may have experienced such as glaucoma, cataracts ,or macular degeneration as they tend to run in families.